This Fair Go Casino review provides an in-depth examination of the platform’s offerings. Readers will gain insights into the extensive game selection, attractive bonus structures, diverse banking options, and responsive customer support. The comprehensive analysis covers all aspects of this online casino, ensuring potential players have a complete understanding before engaging with the site.
Introduction to Fair Go Casino
Fair Go Casino, launched in 2017, is operated by Deckmedia N.V. under a Curaçao license. This online gaming destination has built a reputation for its diverse game selection and attractive bonuses. Players can enjoy a variety of slots and table games at, which appeals to those seeking a broad range of gaming options. The casino’s key features include round-the-clock customer support, mobile compatibility, and secure banking options. With its user-friendly interface and regular promotions, Fair Go Casino’s review highlights its commitment to providing an engaging gaming experience for its target audience.
- 24/7 customer support
- Mobile-friendly design
- Secure banking options
Game Selection at Fair Go Casino
Fair Go Casino games include over 300 titles across various categories. Players can explore:
- Pokies
- Table games
- Progressive jackpots
- Video poker
The Fair Go casino game selection caters to diverse preferences.
Fair Go’s Top Pokies and Slot Machines
Fair Go offers an extensive selection of pokies and slot machines. Players can explore a diverse range of themes and categories, including classic slots, Megaways slots, and bonus buy slots. The Fair Go pokies collection caters to various preferences, ensuring there’s something for everyone. With a focus on high RTP games, players have the opportunity to maximize their potential returns. From traditional fruit machines to modern video slots with innovative features, the Fair Go pokies lineup provides an exciting and varied gaming experience.
Table Games and Live Dealer Options
Fair Go Casino contains a variety of table games for players looking for online casino and real money games. The platform features versions of popular variants with both video and live dealers.
- Blackjack
- Roulette
- Baccarat
- Craps
- Multiple Poker variants
Players can enjoy these classic casino games in a virtual format or opt for the immersive live dealer experience, bringing the excitement of a real casino directly to their screens.
Video Poker and Instant Games
FairGo Casino offers various video poker variants. Players can enjoy popular games like Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, and Joker Poker. The casino also features instant win options such as scratch cards and keno for quick entertainment.
Game | Key Feature |
Jacks or Better | High payouts |
Deuces Wild | Wild twos |
Joker Poker | Wild joker |
Top-Tier Game Makers Behind Fair Go
Fair Go Casino collaborates with leading software developers to provide high-quality gaming experiences. These vendors ensure that players enjoy top-notch games. Here’s an overview of the key companies behind Fair Go:
- NetEnt creates engaging games with superb graphics
- Play’n Go develops mobile-friendly titles packed with features
- Betsoft is renowned for cinematic 3D slots
- Stakelogic produces innovative and modern casino games
Bonuses and Promotions
Fair Go Casino offers various enticing bonuses and promotions to enhance players’ gaming experience. The casino sign-up bonus is just the beginning. Players can enjoy:
- A generous welcome package
- Exciting daily promotions
- Exclusive VIP program rewards
Welcome Bonus Package
Fair Go offers new players a welcome bonus package spread across the first five deposits. The total bonus amount can reach up to AUD 1,000. Each deposit is matched 100% up to AUD 200, using the bonus code “WELCOME” for all five deposits.
Daily and Weekly Promotions at Fair Go
There are exciting promotions at Fair Go Casino throughout the week:
- Players can spice up their gameplay with a new Game of the Day bonus
- Members have the opportunity to snag a Free Chip to boost their bankroll
- Patrons can kick off their week with special Koala Monday deals
VIP Program and Tournaments
Fair Go Casino offers a rewarding VIP program and exciting tournaments for real money players. The VIP program features multiple levels, each providing increasing benefits. Members can enjoy cashback offers, faster withdrawals, and personalized service as they progress.
VIP Level | Benefits |
Bronze | Weekly cashback |
Silver | Higher cashback, special bonuses |
Gold | Exclusive promotions, dedicated manager |
Platinum | Personalized offers, priority support |
Banking Options
Fair Go provides a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods. Banking options include:
- Credit cards
- E-wallets
- Bank transfers
These choices ensure quick and convenient transactions for players.
Deposit Methods and Minimums
The deposit options on the platform are quite varied. The table below outlines the available methods, minimum deposit amounts, and processing times:
Method | Minimum | Processing Time |
Credit/Debit Card | $25 | Instant |
Neosurf | $10 | Instant |
Bitcoin | $25 | Up to 1 hour |
eZeeWallet | $10 | Instant |
Litecoin | $25 | Up to 1 hour |
Withdrawal Process and Limits
Fair Go offers several withdrawal options so that players can cash out their real cash winnings. The process is straightforward and secure. Players can choose from bank transfers, Bitcoin, or eZeeWallet. Processing times and limits vary depending on the chosen method.
Withdrawal Method | Minimum (AUD) | Processing Time | Weekly Limit (AUD) |
Bank Transfer | 100 | 3-5 Business Days | 10,000 |
Bitcoin | 50 | 1-3 Business Days | 10,000 |
eZeeWallet | 20 | Up to 24 Hours | 5,000 |
Customer Support Services
Fair Go Casino provides a comprehensive customer support service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Players can get help through various channels including live chat, email, and phone support. The casino also offers a detailed FAQ section for self-help. This Fair Go Casino review shows that customer care is a priority, making this casino one of the best online casinos in terms of player support. The table below shows the contact methods, response times, and availability:
Contact Method | Response Time | Availability |
Live Chat | Instant | 24/7 |
Within 24 hrs | 24/7 | |
Phone | Varies | 24/7 |